About Us
Made by lab owners for lab owners.
The AmericaSmiles® Network is a marketing and technology services organization dedicated to strengthening the Dental Lab Industry.
Our History
AmericaSmiles® was founded more than a decade ago after Keith Crittenden began sharing with dental industry colleagues his ideas for helping dentists improve their business as a means of growing his own dental lab business. Soon after, the AmericaSmiles® Network was launched and our mission has been supporting dental labs ever since.
Labs who join the AmericaSmiles® Network find new tools and resources available to help them better run their business, and provide added-value services and benefits to their dentists. The programs deliver real, tangible value by adding patients, reducing costs, and increasing the quality of the products and services offered.
The cornerstone of our business model is the AmericaSmiles® patient referral websites. This network of nearly 1,000 sites provides our member labs with a real benefit they can offer their dentists. More than ever, patients use the internet to search for a local dentist, and our sites receive thousands of visits monthly. The dentists on these sites come strictly from our members' customers, providing a significant differentiating value for the AmericaSmiles® lab member.
The AmericaSmiles® Network is a division of United Dental Resources Corporation.
Our Network
The AmericaSmiles® Network Difference
Large corporate laboratories have all of the latest materials and technologies but can be daunting when your cases need personal attention and have quick response requirements. Small boutique labs, while delivering personalized service and fine aesthetics, can be equally frustrating when you have many diverse needs, exacting demands, and a heavy workflow. AmericaSmiles brings you the best of both worlds with The AmericaSmiles Network. We empower small and midsized independent labs by equipping them with all the latest tools and materials to perform any and all of the services that the big guys provide, while at the same time maintaining that personal service relationship so crucial between the successful dental practice and their partner laboratory.
The AmericaSmiles® Network is a marketing and technology services organization dedicated to the Dental Lab Industry. The AmericaSmiles® Network was founded almost two decades ago. AmericaSmiles® Network Member Laboratories find the latest tools, technologies, and resources programs available to help them better run their business and provide the best services and benefits possible to their dentists by staying ahead of the curve in technology and materials.
These programs deliver real, tangible value by making the latest dental laboratory equipment and technology available to member labs, offering the finest laboratory supplies at lower cooperative prices, adding patients to their dentist's practices, and generally increasing the quality of the products and services provided.