LabDay 2025

Equipment & Software Specials

Our LabDay Buyer's Club offers Exceptional deals on
Dental Lab Equipment

Once again, AmericaSmiles is hosting a LabDay Buyer's Club event where the prices drop as the number of buyers increases. You can sign-up and make your interest known and we will report the level of interest at LabDay Chicago 2025. You will have one week (until Friday, February 28, 2025) to lock in your commitment with a $1,000 down payment. We will announce the final price of the equipment at the Close of Business that day to all those who have expressed interest. The price will be set and buyers will have 30 days to secure financing and make their purchase.

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Aidite AMD500S Dry Milling Machine w/vaccum and $1,000 worth of GenesisZr Zirconia Milling Discs - Delivered

AMD500S Dry Milling Machine w/vacuum
and $1,000 in GenesisZr Zirconia, Delivered
$28,500 $24,225 $23,655 $23,085 $22,515 $22,230 $21,660
Biomic Esthetic Kit $1,200 $1,020 $996 $972
Aidite CSF200L Sintering Oven $8,800 $7,480
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DX10-8K Pro 3D Printer System - including 3D Printer, DX Wash Pro, DX Cure Pro, 2 bottles of Epax Soy Resin and 2 bottles of Epax Water Washable Dental Model Resin - Delivered

Epax 3D Printer System $6,450 $5,485 $5,355 $5,225 $5,030

UHD Desktop Scanner - Delivered

UHD (Ultra High Definition) Desk Top Scanner $12,000 $9,960 $9,720 $9,480 $9,360
Core $3,370 $1,138 $2,700/$2,900 $1,450/$1,500
Advanced $3,760 $1,625 $3,200/$3,400 $1,950/$2,000
Implant $4,430 $2,400 $3,900/$4,100 $2,650/$2,700
Ultimate $6,520 $3,688 $5,600/$5,800 $4,350/$4,400
Core $5,630 $890 $4,600/$4,800 $685/$695
Advanced $6,430 $1,122 $5,650/$5,850 $975/$990
Implant $8,320 $1,570 $7,375/$7,575 $1,450/$1,475
Ultimate $12,590 $2,540 $10,550/$10,750 $2,400/$2,450

The Annual support and software upgrade fee is recommended for the perpetual license. The Flex Annual renewal fee is required.

For Sales and Equipment Information, Contact us at 708-746-5730

Lab Day Buyers' Club 2025 Interest Form

Which pieces of equipment are you interested in:

Don't miss out on these fantastic deals!

You will find plenty of vendors offering deals at LabDay, but only AmericaSmiles has experience using the very equipment that we sell. We are not only distributors, we are customers and we only sell product that we have used in our milling center. Buy from a trusted partner that can also support you with software and training, Zirconia, PMMA, glass ceramic, milling burrs, coloring liquids, and stain and glaze solutions to ensure your lab can support every demand your doctors bring.