AMS Diamond Burrs

AMS Diamond Burrs


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AMS Diamond Milling Burrs – Diamond Coated burrs for the most popular milling machines

Diamond-Coated Milling Burrs for the Machine Brands:

Amman Girrbach – Ceramill Motion 2 (4 & 5 Axis) Mikro Compact (4 Axis), Novux


Imes-Icore – 3mm Shank – 140i, 250i

Imes-Icore – 6mm Shank – 350i, 450i & 550i

Roland – DWX-4,DWX-50, 51D, 52DC

VHF – VHF 5S1&S2,K5, CadBlu Ezmill 5axis

inLab Sirona – MC X5


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